Submission of full papers

Two options for the publication of contributions in the conference proceedings are proposed:

  • An original and high-quality peer-reviewed conference paper (6-8 pages) to be published by Springer (indexed in Scopus, EI-Compendex, WoS)
  • An extended abstract (2 pages) or a conference paper (6-12 pages) in Supplementary proceedings (E-Book only, ISBN)

The extended deadline for the submission of contributions is March 1, 2024.

The templates for the contributions can be downloaded here:



During the submission process of the proceedings, you will be asked to indicate your preferred presentation option, i.e., either a poster or an oral presentation. We will do our best to accommodate the time slots according to your preference, but this cannot be guaranteed.

The conference management system is now open to submit your contributions.

To upload your full paper, click on the button below. You will be redirected to the abstract management system. Go to “submissions” and then you can upload your paper corresponding to your accepted abstract.